Plastic to Purpose

"Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Repeat"

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What Are PET Bottles?

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PET bottles, or polyethylene terephthalate bottles, are plastic containers widely used for packaging beverages such as water, soft drinks, and juices. Despite their convenience and widespread use, PET bottles pose significant environmental challenges. When not properly disposed of or recycled, they contribute to plastic pollution, which can harm wildlife and ecosystems. Moreover, the production and degradation of PET bottles release harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases, further impacting environmental and human health, necessitating the need to recycle bottles

The Problem At Hand

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Pakistan produces about 3.9 million tons of plastic waste annually, an estimated 65% of this is mismanaged. A significant portion of this waste comprises plastic bottles In major cities like Karachi, plastic bottles constitute a substantial part of municipal solid waste, which alone generates approximately 12,000 tons of plastic waste daily.

Our Role In Recycling PET Bottles

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Collecting 70,000 tonnes of plastic waste in the biggest metropolitan city of Pakistan-Karachi

The Solution?

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Plastic Containers = Prosthetic Limbs: By grinding the plastic bottles down we could use the granulated material to spinpolyester yarns, which can be heated to form a lightweight, solid material to mold into prosthetic limbs.

Our Projects